The Original Vegan Cruise – “One of the 100 Best Worldwide Vacations to Enrich Your Life.”

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Virginia Harper

Author, Teacher, Counselor

After receiving a diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease and Takayasu Arteritis at the age of twenty-three, Virginia Harper began a macrobiotic program of preparing and eating whole foods while learning to change her lifestyle to accommodate her body’s specific needs. Within months, she was symptom free. This relief came after seven years of suffering the painful effects of digestive inflammation that required several hospital stays, harsh drugs, and unacceptable surgery proposals. This healing experience taught her the important connection between food and health and how to tap into her innate healing abilities. 

For the last forty years, she has consulted with clients all over the world and influenced thousands of people to create a healthy, pain-free life without inflammatory intestinal diseases. Her focus is to educate people to heal their mind, body, and spirit with the preparation of plant-based nutrition individualized to their needs.

Virginia is recognized as one of the leading teachers and counselors for digestive distress. She is the author of Controlling Crohn’s Disease the Natural Way.  Also, she is the founder and director of You Can Heal You… one meal at a time, which teaches people how to turn on the body’s healing abilities through balanced food choices and preparation. Virginia founded the Mobile Macro Meals Club, which delivers seasonal macrobiotic meal preparations to homes in the Nashville area.  Also, she established Kids Healing Crohn’s & Colitis, a non-profit foundation and educational support tool for parents and children. 

Virginia resides and consults from her home in Franklin, TN.  She taught in Alicante, Spain, where she was a macrobiotic counselor for the SHA Wellness Clinic for five years. Virginia enjoys coordinating and leading healing workshops, speaking to various groups in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Virginia can be reached through her website

Virginia Harper’s
Classes for the
March 2025 Caribbean Cruise
Deep Dive into Gut Healing

Root causes may not always be obvious. When it comes to digestive breakdown, the diagnosis may be a symptom of other ensuing issues. Whether your gut imbalance is the primary cause of your symptoms, or a secondary side effect of other issues, there is a workable and effective process to settling inflammation and rebuilding the gut system. Learning your health code and consistency are the key. Virginia’s teaching comes from an experiential forty years of research, knowledge, and personal lifestyle.

Macrobiotics Decoded

This presentation delves into the origin, philosophy and practice of the macrobiotic healing lifestyle. You will learn what foods are best for rebooting your body back to homeostasis and understand the importance of seasonal eating for your body and mind. The methods to create a well-balanced meal on a daily basis will be explored to build sustainable health. You will be enriched by Virginia’s four-decade experience living and teaching a macrobiotic lifestyle.

DISCUSSION GROUP: Recovery Panel Follow-Up

moderated by Virginia Harper
Everyone is welcome to attend this inspiring class! Its purpose is to provide encouragement and inspiration with more focus on healing through the thoughts and experiences of some remarkable individuals who not only survived life-threatening illnesses, but who are thriving in busy, active, lifestyles today. Each of the speakers will offer insights into what was paramount in their healing journey. Your healing and recovery questions will be welcomed as part of this class.

Individual Consultations and/or Workshops:

Email: or call 305-928-1098 ext. 1003 with questions and to reserve your spot in advance.

Macrobiotic Consultation with a Gut Focus

Virginia has consulted with hundreds of individuals, guiding them to overall wellness through healing the gut. Her educational instruction is appropriate for individuals – young and old – who want to heal their mind, body, and spirit using whole, uncontaminated foods. Her expertise is facilitating the healing of the digestive tract at any stage of disability. During this introduction evaluation, she will personalize a wellness program directed towards the individual’s current state of health, which includes menu and cooking recommendations. After the in-person evaluation, a three-day menu to jump start your journey will be emailed. Through the use of macrobiotic principles, Virginia’s approach to nutrition complements medical treatments and dietary restrictions. Virginia understands that transformation happens with slow, consistent guidance and recommendations must be adjusted as the body responds to changes. Therefore, she also offers a long-term coaching program to support your health direction. Included with the consultation are two follow-up coaching calls. Additional coaching is available to all clients who register on the cruise at a special reduced price once you have completed two coaching sessions.
$400/person, 60 minutes

Health Analysis Scan

The AO SCAN is noninvasive bio-resonance, which uses radionics to detect abnormalities in the various frequencies of the cells, tissues and organs systems throughout your body. Imbalances and disturbances in these frequencies is often a key indicator of distress and disease. The scan not only identifies problems but also resets your frequencies in the interim as it scans your body. In this session you will receive a personalized scan, frequency balance and Virginia will review how to read the results that will be emailed to you. This form of energy medicine is useful to help detect root causes overlooked by regular ultrasounds or blood tests and can enhance any healing modality. It is safe to use for those ten years or older.
$250/person, 45 minutes