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Jan Booth, MA, RN, NC-BC

Integrative Nurse Coach Academy

Jan Booth, a board-certified nurse of 38 years, has worked at the intersection of “quality of life” and “end of life.” She is a hospice/palliative care nurse as well as an end-of-life coach and educator. She currently serves as faculty for the Conscious Dying Collective (a death doula training program), the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy, and the Art of Dying Institute’s integrative certificate program for thanatology, a discipline that examines death from multiple perspectives including physical, spiritual, ethical and medical, among others.  Jan presents workshops on end-of-life planning and the transformative possibilities of end-of-life care. Additionally, she is the author of Re-Imagining the End-of-Life: Self-Development & Reflective Practices for Nurse Coaches, and one of the co-authors of Bold Spirit Caring for the Dying.

Jan Booth, MA, RN, NC-BC’s
Classes for the
March 2025 Caribbean Cruise
You Are Here: Creating a Roadmap for the Rest of Your Life

Whether it’s Google maps or an old-fashioned paper map…maps help us know where we’re going and show us options for how to get there. We have found that our health care system is often limited in terms of the options for living with serious illness and through the end of life. Many people don’t know they have choices – or that they can co-create the map with a health care team. As we age, many people haven’t considered how we are guided to make decisions about the last part of our life. Maps based on your values can be helpful when approaching unknown, unfamiliar territory. This presentation will help to better define the kind of map you want to guide you from now until the end of your life.

Re-imagining the End of Life: Living and Dying Based on What Matters

Many people have seen firsthand that the process of navigating serious illness and dying within our complex health care system is often confusing, isolating, crisis-driven, and disheartening. What might be possible if instead, we re-imagined the end of life as a vital, purposeful stage of human development, allowing us to focus on well-being at all stages of living and dying? This would include the practice of healing by embracing forgiveness, gratitude and letting go. When challenging medical decision points arise, using wisdom instead of fear should be employed. Additionally, caregiving should be sustainable and meaningful for both the family and professionals involved. Join Jan in this poignant presentation to explore each of these opportunities to re-envision the last chapter of our lives, to prepare for death in order to live more fully in the time that we have – and to imagine making care and treatment decisions based on our values and what matters most to us.

Individual Consultations and/or Workshops:

Email: or call 305-928-1098 ext. 1003 with questions and to reserve your spot in advance.

Private Sessions: Co-creating a Roadmap for the Rest of Your Life

We have found that our health care system is often limited in terms of the options it gives for living with serious illness and through the end of life. Many people don’t know they have choices – or that they can co-create a map with a health care team to plan for end-of-life events. As we age, many people haven’t considered how we are guided to make decisions about the last part of life. Maps based on your values can be helpful when approaching unknown, unfamiliar territory. Jump start the creation of your own life map with a private consultation with end-of-life nurse and educator, Jan Booth.
$200/person, 75 minutes